orange notes: E26: State of Venture Capital, plus fan questions on longevity, decentralization & quantum computing

Gabriel Casalduc
1 min readMar 27, 2021

Lifespan David Sinclair book

Fasting, metformin, rapamycin

Prenuvo for full mri

Heartflow for cardiac, calcium score

Qbit computing

D wave

IonQ? [unclear if this is the company they mentioned]

Viable [can’t find company]

Company, ai voice of customer

The q of when is the inflection point from deep r+d (should be funded by gov) to a platform etc where you can actually build a company on top

Deep tech investing — do it when it’s completely de risked and all about the exploitation of the market

Relativity space

Continuous learning is one of the greatest predictors of entrepreneurial success

Guaranteed civilians can invest

Check gumroad

Buy Arlan Hamilton

The democratization of equity, fuck yeah

Wow that was the most valuable listen of anything I’ve had in a long while. So much potential.




Gabriel Casalduc

Thinking all the time, writing poorly some of the time